IN "Hair"
03 October 2016
BEAUTY: 10 tips & tricks for growing long, healthy hair.
# Hair

Do you often feel like your hair could use some more soft and tender care? There are a couple of tricks that you can include in your hair care ritual, in order to help it grow faster and regain its natural shine and vitality. Keep on reading to find out the steps that I follow in terms of hair routine, which are my favourite products and also which are the absolute necessary tools that we can not live without.
10 tips on how to grow your hair
- Well, sorry to break in with the unconvenient news, but patience is essential when you decide to grow your hair. Whether you have short or medium hair lenght, or if at any moment you felt like it stopped growing or you sensed it dry and fragile, the first thing that you absolutely need to have on board with you is patience. It’s not going to grow overnight all of a sudden, but there are some tricks that will help you through the process if you apply them conscientiously.
- A favourite hair oil: I recommend it, the treatment option from Moroccan Oil that I use before washing my hair ( I’m applying it as a mask for 45 minutes) but also after my hair is clean, especially on the ends and generally whenever I feel like I could use more hydration. I have told you about this oil, it really is awesome and if you haven’t tried it so far, you should.
- The shampoo and the mask: I am currently using the Joico K Pak and the treatment mask from Luiza Essence. This mask is the best I have used so far – right after the first use, the hair regains its natural vitality and texture. Keeping in mind that it also gives weight to my hair, I am using it only once a week.
- The dry shampoo – I really like Syos Volume Lift because it exends the lifetime of a brush hairstyle and it refreshes the hair from the roots. You should also go out for the travel size options that you can always keep in your bag/car. Trust me, it might save your future bad hair days. TIP: If you want to keep the volume of a hairstyle the second day, grasp the hair in a relaxed bun before going to bed.
- My hairdryer of choice is Philips Moisture Protect – the Moisture Protect sensor detects the natural level of hydration from your hair and adapts the hairdryer temperature so that you hair will keep its shine and vitality after being dried.
- I am doing my best to let my hair dry naturally every time I get the chance, beause the dyed, blonde hair (and not only) suffers whenever confronted with heat.
- Banned tools: the hair straightner. If you are trying to grow your hair, forget about the hair straightner and try heatless overnight options of hairstyle instead. Your hair will thank you. I don’t have the space big enough to tell you all about it, but I confess I don’t own such a tool in my house and I haven’t used one in a long time, exactly because I am trying to grow my hair. Just do it!
- MUST HAVES: An oval hair brush like the one from GHD for the everyday brushing, a comb, a set of Olivia Garden volume brushes and a Tangle Teezer for combing the wet hair.
- Some natural ingredients: coconut, castor and olive oil. Mix them all together and apply the precious mixture on your hair. Let it work its magic for 45 minutes and wash your hair with shampoo afterwards. Let the hair dry naturally if you have the time on your side, a break from heat will work wonders on him every now and then.
- “Hair rescue” treatment from the salon: 4 steps Joico or hair rescue like I like to call it, is a (you already guessed it) 4 step treatment that you can benefit from at Vestige. The treatment can last up to one hour and you hair is brought back to life. It is effective from the very first session, I am choosing to apply it once a month or in key moments, when I sense that my hair is dry. Right after the treatment, your hair will be really soft and shiny, so avoid big volume hairstyles and choose something really natural.
- Don’t forget about the healthy lifestyle which includes alimentation, balance the vitamins in your body and also think about taking some vitamins that will help your hair, nails and skin. Of course, think about running a set of analyzes before that, just to be sure about the path you need to follow. I have tried DopperHerz Activ, mainly for hair and nails because I have really thin nails. I can’t really be specific about these vitamins and their effect related to the hair growth, it might have been the general effort and care, but you can read here more details about these supplements.
- + GETTING THE CUT: Cutting the ends is a good thing, but don’t make an obssesion out of it. I am cutting my ends every 3-4 months and I feel like it’s enough for my hair to keep its lenght. Every haircut comes with a reward, every time you decide to cut on those ends, you can choose a straight cut that will help your hair reach the same lenght upon growing. Like a trophy for your hard work on patience.
If you have pieces of advice that deserve to be shared with us bring them on in the comments section below.