IN "Beauty"
10 February 2017
Awol Erizku, the photographer beyond Beyonce’s shots
# News

„We would like to share our love and happiness. We have been blessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes. – The Carters”. This is the message posted with the picture that got over 10 million appreciations on Instagram
On Wednedda, ArtNews wrote that Awol Erizku, aged 28 is responsible fot taking these photographs, including the one where Beyonce was announcing her pregnancy, on Instragram. A close source of Nina Johnson (Nina Johnson Gallery) from Miami tell us that Erizku, who is specialized in photography and conceptual art, confirmed his involvement in this project.
On a floral background, with a silk veil on her head, each and every detail from the photo appears to lead to a suggestion that can be expounded. Queen B is covering her breasts with a marsala lace bra, while the bottom part is covered by a satin baby blue underwear. Maybe we would stop asking for your attention on these colors, if we wouldn’t know that she’s expecting twins. #TheWorldIsWaiting.
The artist named this series of photographs „ I have three hearts” – and the full story can be checked on her website, where she talks about beginnings, maternity, Blue Ivy, Jay Z, but also about the times when her mother was pregnant. She also brings a tribute to her mother, by posting a photo which was taken in 1981: