IN "News"
09 May 2017
Awards season

Soon we’ll see you again in Bucharest. Glamour Beauty Festival, Digital Divas and Elle Blogging Awards. This is the moment when a month of events is coming and you do not know where your thoughts are: the ongoing projects or the outfits for those evenings? The answer, of course. Mood boards. Mood boards. Mood boards.
It’s been five years since we opened this blog. I was somewhere in Cluj Napoca nearby, watching the same lights and the same cars that I see now on the office window. Everyone in his direction. I had one thought and one thing: to see ‘the blog I just started, because someone advised me to do it. Every year I think about the circumstances and the people who brought me here. I’m glad I had the chance to share this story with you, but tonight we are going to another level, we have some events in Bucharest and I invite you to join me.
It’s the gala season – Digital Divas 2017 takes place as usual at Bragadiru Palace, this time on the 17th of May. The conference program is quite consistent and promises to inspire us with titles like “The ABC of Being An Influencer,” “How to Work with Brands,” or “Share the inspiration.” Among this year’s speakers are Stela Toderascu, Matei Dima, Lorena Buhnici, Robert Katai, Alexandra Chelu and Noemi Meilman. Digital Divas is where you make connections and learn in the early part of the day, and then, the evening turns into a totally different mood – lights, prosecco, hot summer air on the terrace … and the gala begins. The jury is numerous and rigorous at the same time. Every time, the votes of the public count 50% in almost all categories, except for People’s Choice, where the public votes 100%. Last year I could not reach Digital Divas because it did not leave my heart, it was Raul’s day and I stayed in Cluj, but I watched the conferences and the live gala. I was glad when Gaby Atanasov won with her article “9 months and a moment.” I opened a champagne in Cluj. Yeah, I wore a Manuri dress at home in the living room. Carmen climbed the scene for me and brought me the awards. This year I hope to open this champagne to Bucharest, along with Carmen and Gaby, and leave with intact prizes. Long story short, the events come and although it is said that the last moment’s instincts beat anything, I know tomorrow I’m going back to the dressing.
Things just got real.
In May, ELLE celebrates the blogging industry in Romania in the most stylish event dedicated to the online community: ELLE BLOGGING AWARDS. Elle Blogging Awards is the first of its kind dedicated to the online community, initiated by a Romanian magazine, so it’s a very awaited event. Elle Blogging Awards has 10 categories with over 44 authors nominated. You can vote for favorite nominations for each category here. Vote between May 5-25, 2017, and you have the chance to win numerous stylish awards offered by Mercedes-Benz, as well as one of the 5 exclusive guests at the ELLE BLOGGING AWARDS 2017 event. See you there.
Dress code: sexy, stylish, spirited!
We will soon see you at Glamour Beauty Awards on May 13th-14th, at Garboveni Inn. On Saturday we are talking about the latest apps and tricks for impeccable feed, but also about the transition from blog to vlog, in the blog, vlog and ending seminar. I have four guest invites for you at the Glamour Beauty Awards 2017 edition and all you need to do so is to tell me what song you are listening at this moment. I have a few that I have been listening for a few days, one of them is in the background. Leave a comment below with the name of the song along with the email address where we can send you the ticket. Until then, we are online, from Cluj in Bucharest and from Bucharest to Cluj, with the thought of the next 24 hours.
See you in Bucharest, right?