IN "Articles"
19 April 2018
Alina Ceușan for Haper’s Bazaar x Tommy Hilfiger
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9:00 A.M. Instagram comes first at this hour. In fact, I wake up next to Instagram and I go to bed with it. I always liked Instagram more than Facebook, it’s more creative and more hate-free. The dress up game doesn’t take much, because my dressing is very well organized, pants on the lower level and right above, the jackets. The top level is for shirts, which means that one simple glance offers me the overview of my entire wardrobe and simplifies the outfit mission. I grab a pair of jeans, one shirt, the jacket and the boots that I am helplessly in love with and I’m ready to go. One of my recurrent tasks is the wardrobe detox. Especially now, when we’re about to move out, I only need to pack the essentials. The new house is up on a hill, in the middle of the town, where we are surrounded by nature and we get an absolute fabulous view over the city – this is, in fact, the reason why I chose to give up on the apartment that we are currently living in, in a historical building. I am very fond of Cluj. I would never trade it for Bucharest, although a lot of voices have indicated in this direction. I don’t find it necessary. I usually book the morning flight, at 9.20 and come back in the evening at 9.50. Even if most of my assignments are in Bucharest, I need Cluj because here I find the inner peace I need for writing and my personal projects. 10:00 A.M. Breakfast equals one yogurt or a banana and one coffee. I drink only one coffee/a day. Raul (her boyfriend) and I have different schedules during the morning which means we don’t get to share the table for breakfast and since I don’t enjoy serving breakfast by myself, I prefer moving this first meal in the office, with the girls. 10.30 A.M. I leave for the office. My team @Global is located in Bucharest. Here in Cluj, I work with an assistant. We have a pretty big office in a common space, some sort of a creative space that also includes a photo studio. This is also the base location for our swimwear brand, (co-founded with Carmen Grebenișan). I usually start my working day going through e-mails and discussing the on going projects with the team. 12.00 PM I have been considering switching to a vegetarian diet. Most of the days I order vegetarian dishes at the office, also thanks to a new opened restaurant, VEGgo, which has a sweet potato & ginger soup and some really fine curry options. Truth be told, I am very fond of carbs as well but luckily I have been given a really #goodguy metabolism and I also got used to eating small and often portions – up to four times a day. Generally, I am committed to the gym three times a week and I really enjoy swimming. I have been doing it at a professional level for six years which means that I found the way to relax while swimming, also working all my muscles. I like to visit the gym by myself or together with Carmen. I “stole” some exercises from the trainers I worked with in the past and I developed a series of trainings that are effective for my body. I am disciplined and even if I don’t have a personal trainer, I try my best in executing the exercises by the book. Besides that, I’m not the type of girl who enjoys being scream at: “Another one, another one!”.
12.30 P.M. We shoot a street style look everyday. Somewhere between 12.30 and 3:00 we go out “in the field” to get the photos done. 3:00 PM I return in the office, I edit my photos, read my e-mails, some newsletters and I also try to bring something new to my blow, whether we’re talking about a new playlist or some boards that will help you find the inspiration for your outfits. I am inspired by almost anything. I am not working on a waist bag capsule collection with Adina (Grapa) from Snobbish Breakfast and I have been heavily inspired by the city lights during the night when I came back from Barcelona. I have over 100 inspirational boards on Pinterest with a board for everything! I started creating video content in 2016. I started with a travel vlog because at that time I was about to leave for a vacation in Mauritius and I thought about bringing some entertaining info to my followers back home also looking forward to visiting the island. Because I needed to bring my Instagram audience on Youtube, I developed a series of beauty episodes, now reaching 13 appearances. What happens there? I answer the most frequent questions: How I dye my hair, What I use for my skin, How do I get a quick smokey eyes, and so on. I really insisted on creating consistent videos because I found myself in an online environment where the quality information is missing. I am planning to release a fashion project on Youtube, that is on my to do list. But currently I am focusing on the Fashion Weeks. Video is time consuming, especially because I am adding subtitles in English to my videos and I’m also that special kind of bloggers who edit their photos and videos by themselves. I prefer having less content, edited and worked entirely by myself. 8:00 P.M. By this time I’m usually done with my office activity. Raul works on the same street with our office location, so we are headed home together. Here we are awaited by our cats: Miu Miu and Sushi. We cook, we drink some wine, we settle around the chimney, watch a movie or a series and we try our best to end our days in the most relaxing way. Recently we started watching Friends all over again. I also enjoyed House of Cards, Game of Thrones and Black Mirror – a tech series which I truly recommend. As soon as I get home, I remove my make-up. My mornings and evenings have been improved since the arrival of Luna Mini 2, a device that helps me clean my face and is absolutely awesome. Before going to bed I braid my hair or I come up with an up do, in order to protect my peaks. 2:00 A.M. Not a big fan of mornings, I admit. In exchange, I am very active during the night. When I lay down in bed, I can’t fall asleep immediately. I even started an exercise, I close my eyes and imagine two doors, one on my left and another one on my right. As soon as the thought enters through my right, I get it out through the left door (she laughs). Slow down, brain!