IN "Looks"
21 May 2015
A night in pictures
EN: The pictures will explain for me. It’s a night in Bucharest. And I’m wearing a dress I got at V for Vintage, and Casadei Blades. An evening look that wants to give you the power to conquer
a hot Saturday Night in Bucharest…
RO: Fotografiile vor explica ceea ce gandesc. Pana la urma e vorba doar de o sambata seara, in Bucuresti. Un look de seara care vrea sa va dea puterea sa cuceriti noaptea. Si port o rochie pe care o am de la V for Vintage, Casadei Blades si parul in vant.
(Sambata seara, in Bucuresti.)
DRESS – Tatiana Strimbovschi
P.S: Hope you voted me @ PEOPLE’S CHOICE @ Digital Divas 2015. I’m back in Cluj for a few days. Next week I’ll come back to Bucharest (26-28) for several curious happenings. You know what? I made this.
Photographer: Costin Marian (visit his profile)