IN "Articles"
15 April 2015
5 REASONS why we love “boyfriend jeans”:

1. SUNT VERSATILI: Atunci cand ai o gramada de lucruri de facut si vei petrece mult timp in oras, o pereche de boyfriend jeans si o camasa alba te ajuta sa iesi din impas. Iti ia mai putin de 10 minute sa calci camasa si sa iesi din casa. Poti opta pentru sandale finute cu doua barete sau sneakersi albi. Jeansii vor arata la fel de bine in ambele situatii, doar ca (sa fim seriosi) varianta nr.1 te inalta; in combinatie cu volumul jeansilor, picioarele vor arata mai lungi si mai subtiri. It’s up to you!
2. THE RIPPED FACTOR: De cele mai multe ori (exhibit A.) jeansii vin la pachet cu semne de uzura. Ceea ce mi-a placut in mod special la aceasta pereche de jeansi este faptul ca avem parte de efectul “used & abused” si in spatele genunchilor. Acum cativa ani intram inca din 1 martie, dimineata, in proiecte DIY, acum insa, gasim online o varietate de jeansi pe care mamele si bunicile noastre ii vor petici din priviri… sweet!
3. ALESI CU ATENTIE, AVANTAJEAZA ORICE SILUETA.: Intr-adevar jeansii mai larguti avantajeaza orice silueta, insa este important sa faci cateva masuratori inainte sa ii comanzi (online) si sa ceri magazinului sa te ajute sa selectezi marimea. Eu port 36. I’m a little girl ?
4. THEY ARE THE ULTIMATE “RELAXED GIRL” MATERIAL: Nu au limita de varsta, ne bucuram sa vedem boyfriend jeans imbracati cu stil, de mamici ce alearga dupa cei mici prin parc. Stiti cum se spune, atunci cand cunosti persoana, primele 5 secunde au o mare conotatie (vizuala). Ei bine, jeansii boyfriend (rupti sau nu) spun despre posesoare ca este o fata faina, relaxata, care nu se ia prea in serios si este mereu gata de actiune (camera rolling sound)
5. THEY ARE PERFECT FOR SPRING/SUMMER (day and night): Atunci cand bate vantul si peste 15 minute e soare, insa in timp ce iti faci cafeaua, norii invadeaza cerul, nu dispera… Nu scapa ceasca din mana, nu lasa vreo lacrima de nervi sa-ti ude obrazul, decizia corecta pentru azi e sa optezi pentru niste blugi larguti si rupti pe-alocuri. E genu ala de zi in care nu poti purta pantaloni scurti, insa e prea cald pentru o pereche de jeansi intregi (laughing in the background). Cum vremea e instabila in aceasta perioada in Cluj, optam tot mai des pentru o tinuta care include boyfriend jeans. Teoria asta functioneaza si la festival, cand ziua e cald, insa noaptea (oh, noaptea) se face frig, nejustificat de frig. In cazul in care nu ai cu tine un rucsac cu haine de schimb (bloggers may have) poarta jeansii usor ridicati ziua, cu o pereche de sneakesi neon, un maieu simplu alb si ochelari mirrored. Seara lasi jeansii jos, adaugi o geaca de piele si scoti lentilele ochelarilor. This is: Transitional cool. Spune-mi de ce iubesti acest tip de jeansi? Astept comentariile voastre!
1. THEY ARE VERSATILE: When you know you’ll spend most of your day in the town, driving around, and solving things, a white shirt and a pair of boyfriend jeans are the perfect match. It will take you less than 10 minutes to iron the shirt and get out of the house. You can wear them with simple, feminine sandals or white sneakers, they will look beautiful with both shoe options. Of course, if you are going for a sleek look, you should wear them with high heels. The volume of the jeans combined with the minimalistic sandals will make your legs look longer and thiner. It’s up to you!
2. THE RIPPED FACTOR: Most of the times (exhibit A.) the jeans will be already ripped in the front, but what I loved about this pair of jeans is the fact that they’re also distressed in the back. A few years ago we would start a whole DIY project on the 1st of March, just to be sure we finish in time, but now we have lots of cool ripped jeans, online. The best pairs are the ones that our moms (and grandmas) would sew at the 1st glance. To bad we won’t take them off.
3. THEY FIT ANY BODY SIZE, IF YOU CHOOSE THEM WITH CARE: Skinny jeans may not fit every girl, but loose boyfriend jeans will. You do need to ask for some measurements, when ordering online, just to be sure they will fit you (loose, not tight) but it’s worth it. I’m wearing size 36 in the pictures.
4. THEY ARE THE ULTIMATE “RELAXED GIRL” MATERIAL: You don’t have to worry about your age, we love to see beautiful stylish moms in boyfriend jeans and sneakers, running around the park, chasing the kids. You know how when you meet someone, the 1st 5 second really count… Well, when it comes down to bf jeans, they just say “I’m a cool relaxed girl, I don’t take myself too seriously and I’m always ready for action” (camera sound rolling aaand action!)
5. THEY ARE PERFECT FOR SPRING/SUMMER (day and night): You know that kind of a morning when it’s a bit windy outside and you just head to your kitchen to make yourself some coffee, the sun rises and by the time you have to decide what to wear, it’s cloudy. Don’t drop your coffee, don’t let any anger tear wet your cheek, it’s time to wear… WAIT FOR IT… Boyfriend jeans. With their ripped look and slightly altered fashion, boyfriend jeans are just perfect for transitional weather. Same thing applies to festival days: it’s all sunny and bright during the day and all of the sudden, when the sun goes down, it gets unreasonably cold, like freaking cold. So the good part is (yet again) that you are wearing boyfriend jeans, slightly elevated, with neon sneakers and a white tank top. Add mirrored sunglasses and you will rock the day. Get the lenses out of your sunglasses, let the jeans down and add a leather jacket and you’ll rock the night. This is: transitional cool! Tell me why you love your boyfriend jeans?
Distressed Jeans –
Paloma white Bag – Tiara Concept Store
Poema Black Patent Heels –