IN "Looks"
24 November 2015
As the days get shorter, coffee gets bigger.

RO: Cand zilele sunt tot mai scurte, cafeaua servita dimineata devreme devine tot mai mare. Ziua care odata parca abia incepea la ora trei dupamasa, se incheie acum prea devreme, putin dupa ora 16, cand soarele incepe sa apuna peste oras. Genul ala de zile in care la un moment dat intri intr-un magazin, ori intr-o cafenea, o librarie… si iesi peste juma’ de ora si e noapte. Iti vine sa mergi acasa, sa te retragi pe canapea cu o carte si-o cana de ceai, mult inainte de vreme.
Adevarul e ca imi e greu sa comprim tot ce am de facut in intervalul orar 9-16, pentru ca in meseria noastra ai nevoie o zi cat mai lunga, pentru fotografie. Noiembrie vine insa cu un alt avantaj, acela al mimarii unei nopti mai lungi… si stim cu totii ca noaptea (nu stiu daca lipsa luminii, insa noaptea cu siguranta) este prietena buna a creativiatii. Scriem mai mult.
Azi va aduc pe blog un look all-black: bluza pufoasa si pantaloni la dunga cu talia inalta, ambele de la Moja si o pereche de botine Saint Laurent. Am purtat mai multe zile din noiembrie acest look (lucru nespecific) pentru simplitatea lui. Bluza e calduroasa, pantalonii te cam scot din incurcaturi vestimentare si o pereche de tocuri duc totul la un alt nivel. Enjoy!
EN: As the days are getting shorter, our morning coffee is getting larger. The day that used to barely start at 3pm is now ending a little after 4pm, as the sun starts setting over the city. We’re going through those kind of days in which you enter a shop, a cafe or a library and after half an hour, as you walk out you realize it’s dark already. You feel like going home, to snuggle in the couch with a book and a cup of tea, but it’s actually way too early for that…
Truth is, it’s hard for me to manage to do everything I have to do in the 9-16 interval, especially since in our field, daylight is vital for photography. November comes with an advantage, too: longer nights. I don’t know if it has to do with the lack of light, but the night is for sure good friends with creativity. We write more.
Today I would like to show you an all black look: a puffy blouse and high waisted pants, both from Moja, and a pair of Saint Laurent booties. I’ve actually worn this look several times this cold month, due to its simplicity. The blouse is warm, the pants are the perfect pick for days in which you don’t know what to wear and a pair of heels take any look to another level. Enjoy!
What I wore: Moja Fluffy Blouse | Moja Black Trousers (now on sale) | Saint Laurent Janis Side-zip Ankle Boot.
P.S: Stirile de la ora 13, Kanal D – sneak peek de la cel mai recent shooting din Bucuresti ?