IN "Travel"
31 July 2014

Dupa aproximativ 22 de ore de zbor si doua escale, am ajuns in Bali. Mica insula ne-a readus zambetul pe fata inca din aeroport unde ne-a intampinat o vegetatie exotica si luxurianta. Am plecat la plaja in mai putin de 10 minute dupa check-in asa ca azi postam primele fotografii din Bali. Am zabovit o vreme cu privirile pierdute-n albastrul perfect al oceanului, am baut o sampanie pe plaja si ne-am umplut parul de nisip, dupa cum era de asteptat din partea noastra. Totul e atat de frumos, incat nici nu ne-am gandit vreo clipa sa ramanem pe sezlonguri. Am lasat geanta pe nisip si am intrat in apa pentru ca asta asteptam de fapt de multa vreme. In momentul in care intri in apa ai o senzatie de libertate profunda si absolut nimic nu te mai poate atinge (in afara de cateva alge verzi care se muleaza perfect pe corp in unduirea apei). Insula e un adevarat paradis, o gradina botanica enorma si sincer de abia asteptam sa vedem cat mai multe locuri frumoase… Deocamdata aici e 21:00 si noi nu am dormit de marti asa ca ne indreptam usor spre pat. Uitasem sa va spun ca aici se insereaza la 18 si oceanul se retrage. Ne retragem si noi, la odihna. Ma bucur insa ca wifi-ul de la Grand Hyatt e si el de 5* (hah) si va pot arata cateva fotografii.
Enjoy Bali dear readers!
After more than 22 hours of flight, we arrived in Bali. This little island is a true paradise, everyone is smiling and we couldn’t help to smile along with them. I have to say this place took my breath away from the very 1st moments, at the airport. We left out room about 10 minutes after the check-in procedures so today you can enjoy the 1st snaps of Bali. We took a moment to lay down on the sand and just stare at the big-blue ocean in front of us, while enjoying a bottle of champagne. After all this we still couldn’t belive we are here: everything in so freaking perfect that we didn’t even bother to sit on the chaise longues, I just dropped my bag on the sand and headed to the ocean. I couldn’t wait any longer, ‘cuz in that exact moment when you’re into the ocean, you feel a enormous freedom, like nothing could touch you (besides the seaweed floating around, carried by the waves, of course). This island is a true paradise and a true botanical garden. We can’t wait to see all that Bali has to offer, but for now we are heading to bed, ‘cuz it’s 9 p.m here and we haven’t slept in a bed since Tuesday and I almost forgot to tell you that night time comes at 6 p.m here. It’s time to rest. I’m happy I got the time to post some pictures on blog, thumbs up for the Hyatt wifi!
Enjoy Bali dear readers!
(Manicure & pedicure – Nail Art by Lore / Cluj Napoca)
(Meli Melo bracelet)
(get the sandals here)Music: Tourist – Your Girl, Majestic Casual
From Bali with love,
More pictures pretty soon when we deal with the jet lag (a.k.a What year is it?)
#travelwithus #acgoestobali