Banchet: Long Red Dress

Banchet: Long Red Dress


Seara balului. Efervescenta.

Prom night. Effervescence. 

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Nici nu stiu cum sa incep, stateam la primul shooting pe canapea, imbracata cu rochia rosie Hope primita de la Dalsy si ma gandeam la faptul ca e din nou vara si asta inseamna ca avem din ce in ce mai  multe petreceri in agenda: zile de nastere, nunti, dar mai ales: banchetul. Banchetul este acel gen de seara despre care toata lumea stie ca trebuie sa fie perfecta. Sampania aurie aciduleaza sticla paharelor cu picior inalt, imensitatea salii in care se tine balul e complesitoare si candelabrele par mai stralucitoare ca niciodata. Asta pentru ca este intr-adevar o seara speciala. Te desparti de inca o perioada din viata ta: de liceu sau de facultate. E un moment emotionant, lumea plange in timp ce danseaza, pentru bunul Dumnezeu! Avand in vedere faptul ca imi e foarte greu sa ma hotarasc la un singur look, am decis sa fac o serie de postari care sa ne treaca rand pe rand prin pielea mai multor personaje: in seara asta am ales o rochie rosie, un styling simplu dar destul de spectaculos pentru un par mediu si un machiaj care iese putin din sfera clasicului RED Lipstick – BLACK Eyeliner.


I don’t even know where to start, I was there sitting on the couch at the 1st shooting from the Prom series… Thinking about all kind of stuff. I was wearing the Hope red dress from Dalsy. It’s summer , and this means we have more and more parties scheduled: birthdays, weddings but most of all, the prom. The prom is that kind of a night that must be perfect. The golden champagne sizzles the sleek champagne glasses, the immensity of the ball room is taking your breath away and the chandeliers seem to sparkle a bit more that night! All due to the fact that the night is truly special! You are graduating high-school or college and this is a big step forward for you. You are now parted of another number of years and fellows. It get’s really emotional: I mean people cry while dancing for God’s sake! Due to the fact that I think it’s hard to find that special look, I’ve decided to create The PROM Series. Tonight, the 1st character, the 1st episode: I’m wearing a red dress, a simple yet fabulous styling for a medium length hair and a makeup that takes us on the edge: ombre burgundy lips and black eyeliner with a silver twist.

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Headpiece: Diva Charms | Dress Hope from Dalsy (bracelets sewed on) | Hairstyle: Raul Tisa (Boulevard Studio) | MUA: Lidia Gligor (Boulevard Studio) | Location: Home Couture

– make sure to see the surprise I have for you at the end of the post and how you can achieve the looks!






Multe dintre voi m-ati intrebat cum mi-am facut parul. Ei bine coafura a fost de aceasta data realizata de iubitul meu, Raul, iar machiajul de catre Lidia Gligor. Pentru ca a vrut sa ma asigur ca fiecare dintre voi va putea avea un look perfect pentru seara de banchet, Boulevard Studio are acum noile pachete PROM series, in valoare de 200ron fiecare, asigurand hairstyling si make-up.

Find the reservation number here; Boulevard Studio on Facebook.





Hope you will enjoy my looks and the series!. Don’t forget to check out the new Blog Page look on FACEBOOK & like it – if you like it!

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