IN "Beauty"
22 June 2015
15 hours and 32 minutes
RO: E luni si ne-ntindem lenes, dupa o zi de lucru. Ieri a fost cea mai lunga zi din an, iar soarele a stralucit pret de 15 ore si 32 de minute (21 iunie, solstitiul de vara). Stateam si priveam apusul soarelui si pentru cateva clipe, m-am pierdut in orizontul auriu, care era mai larg ca niciodata. Soarele cobora foarte incet si dealurile imi tineau privirea ridicata, deasupra Clujului. Era liniste. Era cea mai linistita duminica dintre toate si nu puteam sa ma abtin – ma-ntrebam in sinea mea: unde sunt oamenii? Ce fac? Dar asta ma-ntreb mai mereu, oriunde m-as afla, privind locuintele in departare. Azi era vorba despre altceva.
Adevarul e ca imi doream sa fi stat de la 8 la 10 pe Feleac sa vad orasul cum se aprinde-n noapte. Doar eu cu Raul, poate o sticla de vin si-o tigara. Soarele apune si era deja prea tarziu pentru astfel de visuri. Stiti sentimentul ala cand simtiti c-ati ratat ceva, dar in fapt nu e ceva prea important pentru restul lumii? Asta am simtit ieri seara. Sunt curioasa ce-ati facut voi ieri, sa-mi scrieti, chiar sper ca ati profitat de cea mai lunga zi din an. A fost o zi speciala, avea soarele ceva si aerul era greu si aramiu, am simtit o melancolie nebuna in suflet si nu stiu de ce – 21 iunie marcheaza pana la urma, inceputul verii calendaristice. Fapt care ar trebuie sa ma bucure si sa fie de bine…
EN: It’s Monday again and we are getting lazy after a full day at the office. Yesterday was the longest day of the year, the sun shined for 15 hours and 32 minutes (21st of June, Summer Solstice). I was watching the sunset out the window and for a few moments I felt completely lost in this wide golden horizon in front of me. The sun was going down slowly and the hills were keeping me above the line of the city. There was a sound, it was the calmest Sunday ever and I kept wondering where are all the people?
The truth is I wish we were on the hill, drinking wine, puffin’ a cig’, from 8 to 10 p.m, I just wanted to see how the city lights up, and all those little lights glimmer in the dark. The sun was setting and I was still at the window, it was too late for such dreams. You know that feeling you get when you’ve missed something, but it won’t matter for the rest of the world? I’m curious where you’ve been yesterday, and I truly hope you seized the day. It had something… it was in the sun, and in the copper air, it was a crazy melancholy in my soul and I don’t know why – after all 21st of June marks the official beginning of summer 2015. Which should be amazing news…
RO: In ton cu apusul de duminica, va las mai jos cateva fotografii in care am purtat (IN SFARSIT) cerceii cu stelute pe care i-am achizitionat de la V for Vintage, o camasa Constantine/Renakossy din garderoba lui Raul, pantaloni de piele aurii si o pereche de ankle boots care-mi sunt tare dragi.
EN: And to match the Sunday sunset, I wanna show you some pictures in which I (FINALY) wore the vintage earrings full of golden stars, that I got from V for Vintage Fair, a Constantine/Renakossy shirt from HIS drawer, a pair of shiny golden leather trousers from, and a pair of ankle boots that I simply adore.
P.S: Excuse my obsession for this song, I thought it was the only one that enhanced the text. If you know any beautiful song you’d like to share with us, feel free to comment below with the Youtube/Soundcloud link.
P.S: Sa-mi scuzati obsesia pentru aceasta piesa, insa am simtit ca e singura care ar da vibe-ul potrivit textului. Daca stiti piese frumoase si vreti sa le impartasiti cu noi, simtiti-va ca acasa si lasati-ne un comentariu cu linkul de Youtube/Soundcloud.
Constantine/Renakossy Shirt | Metallic Leather Trousers from Noire | YSL Peep Toe Ankle Boots | Costume National Sunglasses | Vintage Earrings (V for Vintage)