IN "Articles"
11 April 2014
DIGWEED & the indigo shirt.

O tinuta inspirata de cea mai mare petrecere din weekend: Digweed. A trecut ceva timp de cand am inceput sa colind trift-shop urile… adevarul e ca trebuie sa ai rabdare atunci cand vine vorba de a gasi item-uri vintage. De cele mai multe ori gasim curele aurii uitate de vreme care nu se potrivesc tinutelor noastre, tricouri spalacite sau camasi barbatesti, mult prea mari. Din cand in cand insa, dai peste cate o piesa pe care trebuie sa o ai. Asa am patit si eu, iar rezultatul se vede mai jos – am cumparat o camasa indigo, cu 23 de ron. Mi-a placut mult faptul stuctura piesei, dar si faptul ca e un articol statement, intr-o culoare inchisa. Am adaugat o pereche de tocuri metalice, de la Smiling Shoes si geanta gri de la Zara si dintr-o data tinuta devenea expresia vizuala a afisului Digweed la care m-am uitat dimineata, pret de cateva minute… O combinatie simpla, purtabila, accentuata de accesoriile simple metalice si de ochelarii mei preferati de la Marc Jacobs.
So here’s a new outfit and a new look inspired by the biggest party this weekend: Digweed. I’ve been thrift-shopping for a while now and I have to say that you need to be patient when it comes down to vintage-stuff hunting. Sometimes you will find just crappy items, forgotten golden leather belts that don’t match your outfits and loose men shirt. Every once in a while, you will find something great: like this shirt I got for 23 ron. I love the fact that it’s structured, it’s a bold design, but in a dark indigo hue. As soon as I paired it with the golden toned Smiling Shoes heels and the new Zara Gray bag, I felt like this is the perfect outfit inspired by the poster I’ve been staring at, at the very 1st hours of the day. I love the combo, it’s simple, it’s wearable, but it has that special touch added by the gold & silver accessories remix, and the ultimate sharp Mac Jacobs sporty sunglasses.
John Digweed e unul dintre pionierii muzicii electronice si unul dintre cei care lanseaza trend-uri in acest domeniu. Prezent pe scena muzicii electronice de mai bine de 20 de ani, Digweed este un artist care reuseste sa se reinventeze periodic si sa aiba un sound fresh, cu ocazia fiecarei aparitii in pupitru. Emisiunea saptamanala a lui John Digweed e ascultata cu interes in toata lumea , iar marca Transitions ii permite sa se faca ascultat combinand emisiunea radio cu lansari noi.
John Digweed is one of the pioneers on the electronic music, and also, a trend-setter in the industry.With over 20 years of presence in the electronic music scene, Digweed is an artist that reinvents himself periodically and gives us a fresh sound with his every new appearance. His weekly show is very famous and people from all over the world are anxious to listen to him. Transitions is one of the most important radio show in house music, and through it Digweed manages to release new tunes, on air.
Gandindu-ma la John ca la un personaj, mi-am dat seama ca ma identific intr-un fel cu ceea ce este el, ca artist. Ideea de reinventare continua trebuie, sau ar trebui sa faca parte din viata noastra la orice varsta si cred ca noi am reusit sa dam un exemplu catre faptul ca “schimbarea este buna”, prin blog. Schimbarea incepe insa din interior. Dimineata, am zabovit pret de cateva minute asupra imaginii deschise pe desktop-ul meu:
Thinking about John as a character , I realised that I somehow identify to his artisti side. The idea of a continuous reinvention must, or at least should be part of our lives at any time, and I believe that we’ve managed to give a good example of the quote “change is good”, trough the blog. The change, anyhow, begins from within. This morning I found myself lingering on the same picture, from my desktop:
In afara faptului ca pregateam cumva o tinuta inspirata de afisul din acest weekend, nu stiu de ce m-am uitat atata la fotografia lui John, imi inspira mai degraba o atitudine rece si distanta, cu un zambet fad in coltul gurii. Pregateam o tinuta inspirata de afisul din acest weekend pentru ca la un moment dat, asta facem. Se intampla de atatea ori sa ma uit peste afisul petrecerii la care ma duc si fara sa vreau, incerc sa refac, cateva minute mai tarziu, in fata dulapului, o tinuta in care fie se regasesc culorile principale utilizate, fie se intrevad accentele minimaliste ale campului vizual pe care deja l-am memorat in minte…
Besides the fact that I was preparing an outfit inspired by the Digweed posted, I don’t know why I lingered on the image, he seemed to have a cold and distrant look, completed by a unpalatable smile. So here I was thinking about a look that seems inspired by the poster, because that’s what girls do. At one point I don’t even want to to this, but every time I’m attending a party and I saw the poster, I find myself recreating a poster-inspired outfit in which you can find the main hues, or in which you can clearly see the minimal accents I’ve already knew by heart…
SH Shirt | H&M Gold Cuff Rings | Marc Jacobs Silver Watch | Marc Jacobs Sunglasses |
Zara Bag | Zara Twin Bracelets | Diva Charms “Everything happens for a reason bracelet” |
Vintage Bracelet from Barcelona | Smiling Shoes Golden Heels
Dupa toate astea am plecat din casa purtand camasa indigo pe care tocmai o ahizitionasem si geanta Zara. Am luat pranzul cu Angie la Baracca si am asteptat sa vina weekendul cateva minute, in care nici una dintre noi nu spunea nimic. Ne uitam una la alta printre fum de tigara si zumzetul specific restaurantului, la orele amiezii. Baracca e cu siguranta unul dintre locurile pe care le-am putea punte pe lista “must eat here”, atunci cand esti in Cluj. Cand esti din Cluj, treaba sta altfel, deja cunosti meniul si stii ca e alegerea perfecta atunci cand vreti sa iti scoti prietena la un tiramisu. Pacat ca prietena mea nu manca dulciuri, e la dieta. Eu nu mancam de felul meu asa ca nu o puteam face lata in alt fel decat cu o portie mare de paste picante cu sos rosu si una cu fructe de mare… inca nu imi vine sa cred ca e deja vineri! Saptamana a trecut asa de repede, ieri eram la cabana, unde-s zilele?
After all these, I left home wearing the shirt I’ve just bought from the Trift Shop and the Zara bag. I had lunch with Angie at Baracca and waited for the weekend a few moments, we were silent while watching each other over the table, trough the cigarette smoke and the specific bustle of the restaurant, at lunch time. Baracca is for sure one of “must eat here” places when you are in Cluj. When you are from Cluj, anyhow, things change, you already know the menu by heart and you know this is the place to be when you want to treat your girl with the best tiramisu in town. Unfortunately, Angie refused sweets, because she stated “I’m on diet!”. I don’t like sweets by default, so the only way we could screw everything up was to order two plates of spicy pasta with tomato sauce and sea food… I still can’t believe it already the weekend! The week flied away so quickly, it’s like yesterday we were on the lake, where do the days go…?
Hope I will be able to party after another day shooting! Don’t forget to see the preview of yesterday, here!